FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13afflicted with the unmentionable problem neither of them mentioned. Mr Butterworth massaged the flour into the massive turkey while she stuffed the turkey even more. The oven raged
13shattered beneath the roast. The butcher and his wife knew that Jorge would sometimes drive problematic demons into bad meat as a kindness, but this had been a prime cut and now it
11ing Past here to teach you how to be grateful before it's too late" said the turkey carcass.Scrooge scoffed, "If you were at Thanksgiving dinner with *my* relatives, you'd know why
10Cliff Huxtable had gotten a card game together with Norm & Woody. Only Norm's cell phone kept ringing because Rachel wanted him to bring home some face cream. I ate the last donut.
12reached down and held the gold rose in the palm of his hand, the train hit him full force at 160 Kilometers per hour...and there was silence...and time took hold of him and sent