FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Oh good grief, this again!" thought the Emanator discreetly and with delight, as the Emanator and many sub-emanations enjoyed that dawn and those gongs, and children folded cranes
10Most of the shoppers had pepper spray as well. Some lady with her bottom bulging out of her stretch pants fired white phosphorous from a bazooka. The shoppers trampled the Occupy
10to gently fondle her pair of expensive loafers right in front of her. It was more than the poor waif would handle and after two hours of nonstop shoe fondling, her heart gave out.
11behind a haystack to relieve myself and rued the day that I had taught the cows how to use the bathroom. Sure, there was less cleanup in the field, but the toilet fixture couldn't
11"I kin see right through yer ruse," sneered one potential buyer, "I've got a whole shed fulla turds spray painted gold. They don't take a shine, so don't git all hoity-toity