FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Gene Rayburn read the card with his perfect diction, "The skydiver was in a panic. When he pulled his ripcord, instead of a parachute, out came a BLANK"
12Every year on Halloween Eve you can hear the hobgoblins haunting the butcher section of most grocery stores. "Give us back our bellies," they moan. It's not a good day to buy meat.
13an added bonus in this bumper car ride of chance encounters we call life. Take the author who started this story, 49Faithful. Suppose when he was 9 yrs old, his father took him to
13was Sonic the Hedgehog, whose tryst with Edward Cullen sparked a flame war in the comments. VampStamp69 posited that Edward was not the "friggin queermo" my fanfic claimed. Others
13just settled our brains for a long winter's nap. When down in the cellar there arose such a shriek, I sprang from my coffin to snatch a quick peek! Away to the stairwell, I flew