FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15my 12 year old moped. After all, I just had the headlight adjusted. What is this world coming to? I can't even have
11a smaller boulder. and by the by, we know its Hell, but no smoking." Sisyphus fumed at Beelzebub and went back to work. His whole Millennium break was taken up by that review.
13Rattus cracked open a keg and passed cup to Rattus. Rattus shouted "Hey Rattus, Rattus, and Rattus! Come get some brew!" Rattus and Rattus ran over but Rattus turned them away beca
10more legs re-spawned. It was like a human starfish. Coming after him still, McMahan eerily sang "I bet you want the goodies! Bet you've thought about it!" Running for his life, Ned
10in a pan with hot oil, lemongrass, minced garlic & coconut milk. The old hippie broad ate the paper & suddenly *understood*. She realized that she had to answer the message. She