FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14Being pansexual doesn't mean having sex with pots & pans. I learnt this the hard way and my ban from the Kitchen Dept in Harrods is beyond harsh. The government of Qatar will recei
12Unfortunately I also was allergic to berries. There I was, six feet under, covered in hives, and itchy as hell. To escape, I punched through the coffin lid and clawed through
13an added bonus in this bumper car ride of chance encounters we call life. Take the author who started this story, 49Faithful. Suppose when he was 9 yrs old, his father took him to
10I propose that the town of "North Pole" shall be henceforth known by the name "Ho! Ho! Ho!" Furthermore during voting on this measure affirmation shall be indicated by the phrase
13his future as a superstar Folder seemed to dwindle with every passing second. "You can still finish this, just concentrate!" a faint voice in his epilepsy-wracked brain told him.