FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
22-oline salesman who slept with that no good cheating tramp wife of mine gets my anthrax collection in the mail. 25. Catch 'em all! 25a. Capture a Gideon 26. Reread LOTR 27. Make a
11Luckily the black hole picked it up for me. Its selective, benevolent gravity was a real plus for our town. Rabid strays: No more. Trash collection: Easy. But where did it all go?
11"Son of a bitch!" stammered Larry. There was a stomach-turning moment as Moe and Curly stood there, stunned. The universe felt like it had imploded. "You knuckle-head..." said Moe.
10long, quivering whiskers peered out with beady black eyes and squeaked, "Welcome to Ollivander's Wand Shop, eek!" Wandering around, the customer picked up a rosewood wand with
12slightly mauled me. I must have lay there on the side of the road for a while, unconscious.When I came to, the spare rib was still in my hand & Porky Pig stood above me, glaring.