FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13The Clufwaang spake,"Snickle, Fagan! Your Gefurtwenger slothes and jangnates in your drivish, hubchungling sot! I am klunked with you--bronisiously!" Fagan turned and queened, his
18his dog, a precise 12.87 cm behind him. Truth be told, it kinda freaked him out. He considered leaping over the Smith fence and losing them, but he'd never had a tail before & it
10to their grave. After Chuck Woolreacher dissapeared during a Snape hunt locals shun the area around Camp Crystal, but the students from Mt Crisco U had never head of the Masked Man
12diva, plus he hadn't caught on to how many calories a large movie popcorn with extra butter really packs in. Rambo couldn't understand how he did 12,000 crunches a day but still ha
12The warlock chewed on his no. 2 pencil. "Lead is to Gold as Mercury is to..." The witchcraft SAT had him stumped, if only he hadn't caroused with those Scottish coven last night.