FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
1615. The same goes for grammar, unless you're the grammar police. 16. Forget sixteen. 17. Tie up the story at the end and make it a clean cut. Don't leave the next folder hanging
10the local news station: The Local-motive. Unfortunately, his plan did not work, meaning he wasn't hired and he was shamed forever for applying the tic tacs in the wrong order. "Oh-
13They knew the brain was a universe in itself; myriads of neurons in lieu of galaxy clusters. The leading sea monkey bore through the inner ear and was first to reach the cortex.
11at the yap yap but noticed the dart was in backwards. Should've read the 400 page instructions in Chinglish. Who has the time? I discharged it & got 100000 volts on my tongue & now
10Unfortunately, home faced the world. But I would persevere, on my small floating green moon with its leaping brooks and wildflowers. My hobbit-like cottage nestled in a hollow,