FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12in the lemon curd. They really were quite adorable. Suddenly, a horrid thought crossed my mind - what of all the other bubblegum Pop-Tarts senselessly slaughtered in the name of
16His business card next to the glogg. I made an appointment for next week, the earliest date. By then, I am supposed to have polished off half the glogg. Shark Lady stopped by too.
10-blocked. She uppercutted the floating ? Blocks to find her lost phone. The first one had foreign currency, and the second had an odd flower. But then she heard her ringtone in a
11He then swam down and took my socks off, 'Dash it all' I thought, my mother-in-Law's Christmas present too? What's he going to go for next, surely not my
10-ached the ground. I sent a beacon out to the blancmange planet to send more flan to earth, but they wired back that they had become a celestial frogurt stand. It finally dawned on