FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10is a song by Cat Stevens that will never see the light of day!" Sharon thought. Then she shamed herself for being so evil. Steve tried to fight with her and she opened her palm and
11he descended the gangway & resolutely entered the customs station. "I am bringing this suitcase of mine in on a citizen's arrest!" he announced dramatically, "It contains heroine!"
10hope that my in-depth research on silicosis could help other former mill workers. I visited Mollie & Jonas's graves every year to put flowers on them. Then one year I couldn't go
107. Magical appliances for my day job as Hogwart's golf course assistant keeper: a varmint divining rod & shrinking bracelet for scouting mole tunnels & laying magic traps. 8.
10"Pancakes.. again? Don't you ever have me cook you anything else?" Mattie asked Gill, playfully acting annoyed. Gill just smiled innocently, though he was anything but that.