FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10little sympathy. One fateful day, however, I broke down completely when I was at the supermarket and Grateful Dead's Dancing Bear music came on. I freaked out & ran screaming down
10The density of a lap cat increases proportional to the distance an owner is from a remote control.
10"no, I said parakeet head, not manakete head." Well, what can we do with this then? I handed him the box with the bird head and my sister's tears. The blacksmith thought deeply 4
10ladies began to spin the tassles attached to their nipple pasties. My youngest kid said, "This is much better than the guys undressing at mommy's shows. They only got one twirler."
11look a gift tree in the knothole and said "Very well. I will spare thee. I wish for three acorns that will grow into a tree the instant I throw them on the ground." No sooner said