FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15the grate-n-powerfool Gizzard. 'Pears to me dat you could use some hep, too." So the sceerdy lion joined in wid the rest & ambled on down da yeller brick road. When dey came to
11who had a Fu Manchu mustache and answered questions with questions. JMan showed the wise Det the dragon tracks and asked if they had their culprit. The wise Det said "Is it a crime
13But then I started thinking about my 1972 Impala. If I destroyed the future, I'd never get to drive it again! I threw down my utensils. We'd have to take our chances with the ants.
10What happens when you get bit bt a snowman mixed with a vampire? Frost bite.
11deficiency meds!" Lets be honest, I liked the fact that he had no mas pantalones. We drove 4 hours, &wound up in Valpo. Damn I knew I should've taken that left turn at albuquerque.