FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11please her showed what an all round good guy he was. But Kim wanted more: new curtains. Hiis cash was all going on steak tartare to keep his strength up for the prodigious bouts of
10live through the night," the Dr. said gravely. His assistant nodded. "That makes sense." The Dr pocketed the compact electromagnet, and his staff readied me for abdominal surgery
11"Siri, can you find me a Thai restaurant around here?" "Get bent! What am I? Your mother? Can't you read a map? "
10And why could I remember the future?I pondered these questions while walking backwards to the bathroom,washing hands,then sit on the toilet,having a dump shoot up my butt.Wait a se
11Then Hillary walks in with a whip wearing a leather cat suit & stiletto heals & she's dragging Donald by a dog collar. Then I wake up in a cold sweat. What could it mean, Doc?