FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12I read them once just to see how awful they were. A second time, just to be sure. And a third time to round out my ideas for my version of Twilight fanfiction. My main character
13The shrincken humbie squalled and caterpunked festily. Fagan glomped inwardly & offed his festerbound handy. Thoroughly tanked, Morose teedled & blowdied Fagan's trestlt until
14"Unfortunately, we also know what it smells like," agreed Regina, and she flounced out the door, flipping the hair on both of her heads in a saucy manner no man can resist. Herman
10whatever political party is in office at the time. My main concern is that this'll mean the loss of a dependent, and I might get bumped into a higher tax bracket with the insurance
10obvious attempt to control me by having me answer. So I just stared at myself. I won't even nod. That would be an answer. "Now who's in control?" Again with the questions! How