FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13mental state. It was an entirely wrathless state he achieved with 10 years of total indifference at work and in the bedroom. But this fold, THIS FOLD. Peter's dormant neurons awoke
10nd smiled. He gave coy smile, "The train's Oslo but, we have to unpack the dead weight," he pointed to JMan. Det winked, "Got ya but he's my key witness. So out the window you go!"
13we had food! There were meat and snacks and all kinds of things that would keep has fed for weeks. Suddenly, being lost in the woods wasn't so bad. Not that we were lost, as I was
14-tally, but were certainly the focus of my body odor, which seemed to also serve as my body armor. As the zombies approached, I bore my armpits at them, and they shrank away
10Mother Mary. We need to have a party to celebrate this fabulous occasion!" So the sea gods were prayed to. They decided to be nice for a change and granted the Great White's wish.