FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11someone had snuck in and made a paper mache replica of him. He tried to fill Herman with Chupa Chups and hang him from the ceiling for the children to beat. The orangutan ate him.
10kitchen with a disdainful look on her face. Really? And how exactly did you come to find my cold cream glazed across your doughnuts? You know that I abstain from any such
11to check on the treasure map. As I'd feared, Blackbeard Jr. had caked it in drool, fingerpaint, and... was that a booger? But beyond my cabin's doors, a crew yearned for direction.
10Golden Dumpster, a spanking new sexual deviance device that made the Golden Shower look tame. But when the auctioneer pulled back the curtain, the golden turds had been burgled!
10that fold was folded until 10 lines had been done. That's when AWW WHO AM I KIDDING? My folds always just end. No one ever adds to them and they just go into some limbo where