FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12without effort, though my math-y friend told me that dividing by zero would tear some kind of hole in something. He didn't tell me this hole would suck up my money. 0 divided by 0
10[You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps]. Other short cliff notes: Pride and Prejudice. [He's a bit of a toff, nope he's not.] Moby Dick [Lots of stuff about rope]
10"I guess I can take a joke." And with that the shadow shrank and Tad grew until he was a giant without a shadow. He missed it, as it was the only thing that ever followed him.
13"Do you like the rhinos?" Jenny asked me. I offered her a Twizzler stick to chaw on, but she shook her head from side to side which meant she didn't care for some. "Stupid is as
10The sky was on fire. Not in a beautiful, metaphorical, take a picture with your phone sense. In a ohmygodeverythingsgoingtodie sense. I pushed my way into the cave, screaming for