FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11It was a dark and stormy night, and the biggest and fastest spaceship in the world was being overrun by chickens.
13forty different faith healers, only to run into Slim's double, Lemony Snicket. The latter escaped into the Canadian underground to hide out with MoralEnd's buddy icon, a dapper man
10He would sit at the bar surrounded by hipsters and light the fringe from the cuffs of his Levis with a Bic lighter. He slammed Jagers, "I don't get drunk, just filoshiphical."
10I'm not paranoid! I'm not paranoid! [curtain] Scene 7: [CLARA sprawled onstage, moaning] BUSTER: Well, what's this? Are those tire marks? [hill giggles]
10jarring at first but then it becomes oddly refreshing. What's more refreshing is that dead people don't feel the need to talk all the time. Not that I don't sometimes imagine them