FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Do not continue this FoldingStory. By it's completion, it will leave you in a cold sweat, awake until the early hours, staring into the darkness. This thread ends here. Goodnight.
10large green pipe. She dodged a turtle, waited for the man-eating plant to disappear back down the pipe, then she dove in and fell to the bottom; where she found her cell phone.
10But then, inspiration. I made a lengthwise crease down the center of an embossed sheet. Paper airplane, bitches. I folded two (2) corners to the center, titillating the clientele
11." "Oh?" "Yes." "Tell us more, Ronna." "Well, OK, Dick. She's riding on this bus &then the bus stops. Everyone gets off except the boring lady. That's my character." "Fascinating."
10but it was blocked. Someone had stuffed a ball of fish scales in the keyhole. I opened the door. Little trails of water criss-crossed the floor. My pillow was wet. The goldfish swa