FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
19out of cardboard and construction paper. She stood them up in various places in her house and pretended they were her BFFs. She made large scrapbooks of their "adventures."
10Unfortunately, home faced the world. But I would persevere, on my small floating green moon with its leaping brooks and wildflowers. My hobbit-like cottage nestled in a hollow,
14be tyrants to the antfolk, enslaving them and forcing them to carry our luggage? I guess there are many bad possible futures, so I must destroy either possibility or the future.
12his soul to eternity.There wasn't much left of him in the aftermath of the accident,but a few days later, a hobo found the blood-stained gold rose strewn a few feet from the tracks
12give you my vote". He thought for a bit - and then started writing. When hitting "fold & pass" he heard a strange noise. It was the sound of the alarm clock. Damn, it was a dream.