FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13The priest faked an eye poke, slapped his cheeks and then pulled them apart and said "Nyuk nyuk nyuk." The Shaolin priest was a three stooges fan! He responded to the priest by
10wimsuits transparent. We shivered behind our crudely constructed rock wall, all goosepimply, as we watched the storm turn into a full-blown hurricane! Clinging to each other, we
10Some stories have all the luck. Some stories get all the breaks. Some stories have all the pain. Some stories do nothing but complain. Woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo
10know a time you ever turned down an assignment," he pleaded, yanking the typewriter out of her hands. "Jazzabel, our reputation will tank if you leave! Don't make me beg."
10!Put some clothes on! I can't concentrate with you standing there like that." A red hot steel ball imbedded right over my left eye. Blood was everywhere! Staggering, I folded anoth