FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10rty next minutes. The sparkling water flushed out of the WC & soaked his legs. They became smoother & chubbier... younger. Had Spencer found the lost fountain of youth?
10map out lines around his body as a guide to where his shorts should go. "Infamy!" yelled Ouchy, "you said you'd left Clowns Without Borders forever!" "Mwahaha!" cackled Bonzo, "my
10hope that my in-depth research on silicosis could help other former mill workers. I visited Mollie & Jonas's graves every year to put flowers on them. Then one year I couldn't go
11the victim would have "stink palm" for life. This is in reference to "Chasing Amy" where your palm smells like hot swampy ass. But, one Moe Lopslap was able to use "stink palm" to
11"For the benefit of Mr. Kite, there will be a show tonight..." It made his blood boil. He grabbed the Beatles singing Parrot and put Sqwuakers's head in a vice. He slowly tightened