FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10easy shuffling thru the vacant corridors of my soul. It hurts when people are nice. He spent a drunken night complimenting me & asking to hang out. Next day, he blocked me on IM.
10finance advisors. If you thought you were screwed last time you had a finance advisor because he was an ex-used car salesman then think about the bananas. They have the worst of
12Taco Bell inspired dump. Huge. I had to get the plunger after it and BOOM gone. They did eventually find it. One of those wily sea turtles had made off with it. Case closed.
10This is your brain on foldingstory.
14OK, THIS is IT. I am tired of messin' around! 2 points here, 3 points's pitiful. This story right here...the one you are reading right gonna earn 100 points or