FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15a reasonable amount, and a place to hang their hat, and a hat they like enough to actually wear, and friends who do not make fun of their hat, and a hobby collecting things that
14Mean to be Periwinkle Ramona? Regina & Delores Mudd glanced at each other. "The band is a musical worship to the human fungus." "What human fungus?" "We're not allowed to talk abo-
11George found a stocking full of glue and chunks of horse meat. He smiled ad raised his arms skyward "Bless you, Christmas Horse!"
10But it was too late, whilst I was telling the nurse of this news Teddy had made a run for the main road and...well...stuffing was strewn across the street. If only I'd known sooner
18pulsing hole with his hands. Sarah Jane blushed as well, to see him all imploded & docile. Tenderly now, she removed his hands from the hole &, weeping, kissed all around it until