FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Is that a smart aleck reference to my testicles?" shouted the squirrel angrily, dropping his cigar, "Yah, they're fuzzy. And I suppose you wanna know how me and my wife do it? She
11"Save, us, Insecurity Woman," someone in the audience called out, "You're our only hope!" "Oh, I'm sure someone else could do it better," she replied, chewing anxiously on her nail
10Nasty Wife #1 suggested I go jump off a cliff. Nasty Wife #2 had already left me for another man more capable of drinking Kool-Aid without burping. Nasty Wife #3, well, she was
10and suddenly lights flashed, bells rang, and coins literally poured out of the slot machine while the old lady in polyester pants sitting next to me swooned in disbelief. I won
11curly black hair that could only belong to Burt Reynolds. Being Burt Reynolds chest hair really has me missing Loni Anderson and WKRP in Cincinnati. It used to be that I could