FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Before darkness fell, James looked back at the devastated sunflower field one last time. He'd destroyed whole species before, too, but the sunflowers made him feel something he had
12I counted the items in the small plastic bag again. "Nope. I have two bolts when I only need one bolt and I'm missing a small screw", I scanned the hieroglyphs in the instructions
10He was known variously as a deep thinker, a risk taker, a loser. The kinda guy to pass out on a sea cliff with an empty nitrous balloon in one hand & his underwear in the other.
10hear Pete--that's what I called him: Mr. Pete the parakeet--whistling and swearing. . .God, I miss him. . .but he was in a better place: Tippy:s Taco House under 6 inches of gravel
10"Jorge Titsworth, watching, masturbating, & laughing." It made no sense, but strangely, other foldsters voted for his folds. Truth be told, he was a passive-aggressive folder. He