FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11refined taste and devilish good looks. His toe decided to call itself Carl and pleaded with a court of law to release him from servitude to the rest of the foot. The judge frowned
10When the lanterns were on their way heavenward I flagged down a passing dragonfly. I asked him to please carry my rememberances to my ancestors in the spirit world
11onto an albino midget. He was mad; the ensuing round-house kicked to my jejunum made me vomit. My vomit landed on
10sharpening my butter knife. They'll pay. They'll all pay! As soon as my dog walker walked into my apartment condo, I lunged at him like an Olympic fencer. He somehow parried it
12Mad about that man, Alex Trebek. But her dementia took on new dimensions all the time and her Answers were not always for the right Question but they always worked anyway. One univ