FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11release hectic rain and thunder if he did not do something. Something was wrong-everything in his body tingled weirdly. It was just another dream; he had them all the time.
12me. Write me gooood baby." He looked around, saw no one, and looked back at his fold on the screen. The voice said "Well, that's all you got, huh? Shoulda known. You were always
13. Pooh beamed and warmly invited the child to his den. Sadly, a dour beat cop overheard the word "honey" spoken repeatedly, took one look at Pooh in his lederhosen & arrested him.
12Maybe if I wasn't such a colossal ass my twin brother wouldn't be such a tremendous fartknocker. Then I wouldn't hate him, or me, so much. I decided to make a change.
10The child ran from the building, carried out into the night on tiny feet. The child looked for help, but seeing the stars above, quieted. There are stories everywhere. We can pick.