FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10It wasn't until midway through the job that I realized I had no idea how to disable a camera. The bundle of C-4 in Ronna's perm was ready to go, but I was busy frantically
10pursed my lips, crossed my arms, looked up at the ceiling & sort of lollygagged away from this entire filthy situation. My boss noticed something wrong. "What's wrong? Why are you
11his side dish. We were Frank & Cole. We came out strong, me with my sour disposition and Frank with his meaty kielbasa attitude. Ironically we did kill the CEO, a Mr. Oscar Meier
11they hadn't used quite enough. They also didn't know that she regularly got zonked on Jimson tea so she had a high tolerance. Once free, Tharg's wife grabbed a club and loped off
12angry meme-loving elitist nerds and their generic FPS games. But alas, the war for truth is an uphill battle, and sympathy is a commodity long lost. "More like SPUD missiles!"