FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10You don't want to have to deal with a fish who has had the wrong organs detached. It is not pleasant. A leading surgeon recently had his face eaten off by one of them. They're that
12in the lemon curd. They really were quite adorable. Suddenly, a horrid thought crossed my mind - what of all the other bubblegum Pop-Tarts senselessly slaughtered in the name of
11curly black hair that could only belong to Burt Reynolds. Being Burt Reynolds chest hair really has me missing Loni Anderson and WKRP in Cincinnati. It used to be that I could
10I could count on my wife for understanding. At the meet with P. my cell rang. It was her:"So, Baby, a mermaid?" The tinkle of smashing glass. The sound of my pet's labored breaths.
13amusing, witty, even musical sometimes. Lucielucie was the one everyone was following. Abusive? Rude? May it never be!! Hold it, who is that entering? It's