FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Just a few gulps of pink paint, and an hour or so with the belt sander took care of those little details. Frankie assessed himself in the mirror. Not bad for a monster! The reunion
11erudite literature of a chosen few with stories by quorum. Strangely, we return to the beginnings of storytelling,sitting around a fire each taking a turn until we come to the end.
12I ran from the room screaming, "Beware the Scare Bears!" Later I dreamt that Mr Cuddles clawed out of the toybox with help from his best-fiends Hateful Heart and Bratty Thug Bear.
10She had Encyclopedia Britannica. "Who reads these?" I wondered as pulled out letter the 'L.' A soft click, and I was standing in front of a short-wave transmitter. My date's a spy?
10It got more than a little weird when Jerry Seinfeld showed up for the bar and started flirting with Diane and then Sam punched him. By the time I was down to one donut,