FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Dude, it was in the brochure I sent you. Remember?" "No dude, I definitely don't remember "drinking the blood of the innocent". You know that I am Innocence Intolerant!" This was
11to check on the treasure map. As I'd feared, Blackbeard Jr. had caked it in drool, fingerpaint, and... was that a booger? But beyond my cabin's doors, a crew yearned for direction.
11Montezuma's Revenge (as soon as it's cleared up) by smiting every Jedi chef in the galaxy. Instead, he thanks his gods for Intergallactic Pepto Bismol and falls asleep on the sofa.
10The Krell machinery picked up the bassline to "I. HAVE. THE POWER!" He-Man was somewhat outnumbered by all the buxom heroes flashing their nips. But not Picard. My faceplam
11didn't know what to do. He attended the funeral and paid his respects, then continued his life with him in mind throughout the rest of his days at the job.