FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12reached down and held the gold rose in the palm of his hand, the train hit him full force at 160 Kilometers per hour...and there was silence...and time took hold of him and sent
10Maybe when I answered that Craig's List ad, "Hermit wanted: Decent Pay, Room and Board. Willing to relocate to Whale's Ruin Bay." I sat making circles with the sea shells.
10came on as a headwind and inexplicably decelerated me to result in only a slight 'bump' into the tree. An acorn gingerly fell onto the hood of my car and rolled down to driver's si
11and told him to leave because he was upsetting the nuns across the street, he covered his nudeness with his bowl and ran down the street. A nun followed him with her cell phone,
12, but it was too late. Blood rushed down the aisle, the bride screamed and the story was all over the news. I was rushed to hospital but now I must die; he did me a favour.