FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12into a deep stupor, experiencing dreams of taking over the world in the form of Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars. "POWER!!!!," he screamed, "UNLIMITED..... POWER!!!!"
11at the yap yap but noticed the dart was in backwards. Should've read the 400 page instructions in Chinglish. Who has the time? I discharged it & got 100000 volts on my tongue & now
11, well, frankly-speaking, a hot dog. Before he came along, I was nothing but a German cabbage fermenting in a vat of lactic acid bacteria. No one really liked me, but Frank made me
10But I was having charred dog for dinner. I would teach Walker and all the others not to mess with a professional butter knife sharpener. I finally got a hold of my dog Walker, "Bad
11on his pants felt real snug. Captain Kirk was chicken. He'd been feathering his nest by skimming the Enterprise's coffee budget. Poultree henpecked Kirk until he finally cracked