FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14This Christmas, I asked myself a very important question: "Has anything about me changed? Why do I still hate the world? And where's the turkey?" But this time, it'll be different.
10d wherein one folder switches the protagonist's sex, either by mistake or intentionally. Sometimes you get a foreign fold, daring fellow folders to translate or add blind. Another
10whatever political party is in office at the time. My main concern is that this'll mean the loss of a dependent, and I might get bumped into a higher tax bracket with the insurance
10and yelled "Roll!" I rolled toward her, smothering my flames, before I noticed the platter of fresh rolls in her hands. "You saved my life, Mrs. McGurk," I said, taking a roll.
11Ed him to remember to take his Xanax and take three deep breaths. Pooh carried the honey pot and found Eyeore. He called Det. Manatee and his sea-cows to do CPR. Tigger watched