FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"If you let me go free," said the Christmas Horse, "I will grant you a stocking full of wonder." So George let the horse go (even though he looked delicious) and the very next day
10Please copy your fold: The tape worms decided to feast on his lunch while discussing in the intestine board about the deal. A living host they could stay in forever. But
12you promise not to teach it any curse words. He agreed and we went to the pet store. There was only one parakeet left and he came with a free eye patch. Can we name him Squawkers?
10My Little Pony across the yard. The neighborhood meat pies stood there feeling uncomfortable. "You don't want pies to play 'cuz you're just a snooty patooty!" her sister yelled.
11The ice cream man dealt drugs when I was a kid. A bigger neighborhood kid told me so.