FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10recanted his earlier praise for hemp fashion. "I was misinterpreted," he lied; but lies from him were as influential as scripture. GQ soon followed, and my ruin was certain. Today,
13that shaved daily with a cutthroat razor. 49erFaithful was unaware of the plot and hid in a corner whilst a stampede of wild camels galloped by. The window of opportunity opened
11According to the new astrological calendar, I could now consider myself a Taurus, which was ironically appropriate given the fact that my twin brother was such a bullsh**ter.
10Mother Mary. We need to have a party to celebrate this fabulous occasion!" So the sea gods were prayed to. They decided to be nice for a change and granted the Great White's wish.
10He dreamed about the Moody Blues and wondered if he was born in the wrong generation. Then the bookcat started. I'm-I'm sentient? it thought. Eureka! An evolutionary revolution!