FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10. I realized then that the rub was a spicy red and black pepper mix. On a whim, I hurled a handful at the wizard's face. As he sneezed, sparkling dust (his powers!) shot out.
10"no, I said parakeet head, not manakete head." Well, what can we do with this then? I handed him the box with the bird head and my sister's tears. The blacksmith thought deeply 4
12knew the truth. Edward Cullen was shell of vampire. His sparkly skin and day time frolics only signaled his total lack of commitment to true vampirism.
10Leonardo DiCaprio himself. I can even touch my tongue to my nose. But no way can I write a college essay. That's why I came to FoldingStory for help. Would you please help me?
11self. I learned that the secret slime word that activated his third nipple/slime faucet was "um", so I'd um until he'd take his slime-drenched shirt off. "So, um, deary, how was