FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Mormon. Derek heard the voices of the Angel Moroni who told them that were platinum plates out in the woods near the
15worn by generations of wandering folk. He picked up the rose, and its withered golden petals flew and scintillated on the dusk's wind, like the souls of all his roaming ancestors.
11in complimentary landscaping. Didn't I just hear the little missus say she'd like a flare garden? Moving to this planet means no more shoveling snow or potholes. This place can be
14n-stained Cheetos-orange fingers protruding like tens of points of bright light in the night's approach. I refused to die. By will alone I raised up, grasped a pilgrim and asked
10disapprove of her son Billy's cushion collection, or worse, want to claim it (especially the frilly ones). His mother had an array of suitors, like Billy had an array of pillows.