FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10wimsuits transparent. We shivered behind our crudely constructed rock wall, all goosepimply, as we watched the storm turn into a full-blown hurricane! Clinging to each other, we
10and firmly remove it. Then it began to tickle him under the arch of his foot, his only ticklish spot. He decided, zombie or not, this was the women he'd been looking for.
15Afore too long, Doreene, the scardeecrow & tin man seen a lion who was skeered o' well nigh everythin'. "I spect I'll allow y'all kin come wid us" said Doreene, "we's gwine to see
13meaning that any kind of pan really made me hot. Cast Iron Skillets really got me cooking. I left my girlfriend for a sauce pan once. Pots, no way. Any pot turns me off.
10fold up this newspaper into a paper boat, climb into it, and push off, letting the stream carry me with it? But I didn't dare. I was afraid at what might be around the next bend,