FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12aren't even worth mentioning. Dr. Moodle's Past Grabber only grabbed the most banal boring moments in history. So, for instance, instead of the Battle of the Bulge, it grabbed
10if it's the last thing I do!" My wife was suddenly silent. Too silent. I looked up from my folding obsession. There she stood, nekkid & with a slingshot in one hand. "Dammit, woman
10That nobody dare to criticise/ The way the Raven flies/ And protects us from evil spirits/ Just as the silent majority won't hear it
11Then Hillary walks in with a whip wearing a leather cat suit & stiletto heals & she's dragging Donald by a dog collar. Then I wake up in a cold sweat. What could it mean, Doc?
10joint. Ellen Kapinski, picks out the lice in his head where the scratching has been. It's not a sin. Waits by the window, wearing a thong that she keeps in a jar by the door. Who