FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11And then he disappeared into the crowd. Looking back, all those years ago, I wish I'd produced a bun & requested condiments, for I never met another like him. He was a real weiner.
10It was true, I was the last great folder. I had just found out that morning that I was rendered sterile in that radioactive crazy life of a fold story facilitator. I hope the next
13The priest faked an eye poke, slapped his cheeks and then pulled them apart and said "Nyuk nyuk nyuk." The Shaolin priest was a three stooges fan! He responded to the priest by
10bottle flies, dung beetles, & Mr.Needlepoop. He's been seen skulking around the Grand Cacas looking for coprolite trophies. You don't want your dookie in a Faecalia Museum do you?
11busy fighting in the war anyway. Lobsterman grunted and Godzilla cuddled closer to him. He loved the way he smelled, the look in his beady eyes and his springy handsome antennae.