FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10try emotion.See how much mileage you rack up from point A to point B.Emotion isn't geometry,it's trigonometry.It dont take much calculus to derivative,but don't go off on tangents
11erudite literature of a chosen few with stories by quorum. Strangely, we return to the beginnings of storytelling,sitting around a fire each taking a turn until we come to the end.
12Farmer Jones gave me a look. "We take great pride in our chickens and that they are all breast and no wings. If you don't like chicken milk then you are at the wrong farm."
13Satan Claus soon would be there. The orphans were huddled for warmth in their beds, while visions of maniacs danced in their heads. And Mummy in her tatters, and I in my hood, had
11in complimentary landscaping. Didn't I just hear the little missus say she'd like a flare garden? Moving to this planet means no more shoveling snow or potholes. This place can be