FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Would you like Snakes on a Plane?" "I would not like them on a Plane." "Would you like Snakes on a Train?" "I would not like Snakes on a Plane. I would not like them in a Train.
10"Mon cher, tu sais que je ne peux pas vous le dire. Mon entreprise est top-secret. C'est pour votre sécurité. Trust me," he replied. She frowned at her date, looking puzzled.
10really boring. It involved card stock. Embossings. Maybe a little gold leaf to really whip up the zanies. The collection could put a meth head to sleep, that's how boring it was.
12eren't turned on by her hair bun, her glasses, her sailor's tongue or her judgmental stance. But when Valetta asked if they'd like another beer with their beer, well, no man could
13had drowned Mrs. Marmoset beneath his dam. "Damn," said Det. Elk, "if you're right, Beaver has killed 10 animals right under our snouts." "I'm right," Manatee replied, "and I know