FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13in desperate need of a vacation. My class felt his geography-related puns were all Belarus. "Are you Finnish? We're really not India sense of humor," Chad spoke up in frustration.
14had forgot to make payments, and so his Imperial Star Destroyer was repo'd. Due to funding cuts, Storm Troopers were forced to wear white turtlenecks and carry air-rifles. The reb
11"You remember that night, don't you, Officer?" Valetta purred like a caged tiger. "One you'll never forget." Officer O'Malley slammed his fists against his head. "I'm gonna
10. I realized then that the rub was a spicy red and black pepper mix. On a whim, I hurled a handful at the wizard's face. As he sneezed, sparkling dust (his powers!) shot out.
145) Burned all of my SilverSpoons episodes to disc. I love me some Ricky Shroder. 6) Re-record my answering machine message to include my new kitten's name, Meowsers. 7) Go grocery