FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11last sneeze before entering the convertible, Freddie Mercury's last... well, you get the picture. Dr. Moodle's Past Grabber was a fascinating contraption. Some historical events
10of the saying "love at first sight", quickly documenting my interpretation on my phone with Google Keep as I bled out, asking the stranger if they could submit it to urban dictiona
10The first acorn became a lovely Oak Tree of Wisdom. The second a modest Willow of Learning. But the third Acorn of Witchery became a gnarled black Bramble of Buggery. The travelers
10I hung the gew-gaw from my neck, so I would always remember that fatal error. Never again would I know love, or what it feels like to not have killed my own family. I turned to
10My husband caught me out from under the bed once ,almost five years ago, ergo my four year old son. I can't let that happen again