FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15She would often talk to and cry on the shoulders of her cardboard friends, and she would tell them how her papier mache boyfriend didn't show any emotional response
12getting hammered will help me unlock the secrets.I opened my flask and took a swig, "Look, on, my, sorwk banana!" that's not right, I looked again, Loko no ym ye mgihty adn dsepira
11tripping in them because once I crossed a road gnawing an undercooked spare rib slathered in mayo & didn't see a pothole. I fell, a wasp stung me, a dog licked my ear and a bear
10The child ran from the building, carried out into the night on tiny feet. The child looked for help, but seeing the stars above, quieted. There are stories everywhere. We can pick.
12Farmer Jones gave me a look. "We take great pride in our chickens and that they are all breast and no wings. If you don't like chicken milk then you are at the wrong farm."