FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10ing...<yawn>...during....ZZzzzzzzhmufffzzzzzzzz...... I woke to the smell of burning jet fuel & scorched flesh. Whaa? I looked around. I was the lone survivor. This was my fault!
14In the barbeque pit for six hours, until ready to be coated with cheese. The recipe recommended cheddar cheese but there was only gorgonzola. So that's
10Chad's Postcard Emporium in Laguna Beach. Sure, Chad lacked the savvy and know-how of his uncle Moe in Manhattan, but he had a certain sense. He nearly touched my "cold sore" and
10would support him. My client requested bergamot but all I had was patchouli. As I drizzled Squidman in essential oil, his wife slithered in and sniffed the air.
11Jim heard nothing but crickets. "Tough crowd", he thought to himself. "So, did you hear about the priest who went crazy during his sermon? It was mass hysteria!"