FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
20Because I could only believe myself as far as I could throw me I decided to hire a private investigator to tail me and see who I met with when I was busy doing other things. I was
12off his hand rolled cigarette. "You do look mellow, or something," I said. Eeyore wore a beret & rectangular sunglasses, and had a goatee. He was even walking on his hind legs.
14but that didn't stop Gary from screaming about the dangers of jay walking. God damn it, Gary, it's the end of the world! Go eat a cat or something! Maybe I should stab him. Yeah.
14after some tiresome false modesty and further self-mythologization, eventually admits to trying to keep the story going, but not as well as StoryFascist or this next folder, who
12"Was it a mecca-dauber or a betting pencil?" The chorus sang back in response.