FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11dy. "I hate children," he said. "The way they run around randomly. They're really stupid, they can't talk properly & their writing's rubbish" With that bombshell, our tale ends.
11Lord, I tried to be good. I prayed real hard. But Debbie McRoberts right shoulder slipped out of her frock on the dance floor and I felt the urge to fornicate override my decency.
12Such adulation for Andy's alliteration was alien. Attendees aimed Androids at his aura for optimal snaps. He continued, "Hemorrhage, Hemophilia, Hem, Hippopotamus, Hound, Hilario
12He shifted from bull to bull with a total disregard for team chemistry. Now the Rodeo was coming up and he'd be bein' bucked by some stranger bull. Jim 'n' I tried to stop him from
10I became the person I always dreamed I would be, almost. All the traffic lights were green. I was to work on time. I hadn't punched anyone in the face.